#third day. Bahouddin Naqshband.

 Hi everyone! Today we went to the Bahouddin Naqshband. You know, this place is famous all our the world. Now, I give some infornation. 

Muhammad ibn Muhammad Bahouddin Naqshbandi al-Bukhari (also known as Khoja Bahouddin Balogardon, Khojai Buzruk, Shokhi Naqshband) is a prominent saint (avlie) and the founder of the Naqshbandiya Order. He was born and died in Kasri Khinduvon village near Kagan (1318-1389) which later was re-named for Kasri Orifon in honor of Bahouddin Naqshbandi. He made hadj to Mecca twice.

His biography is almost unknown because he prohibited his disciples to chronicle his life and activity. He was thought to be Seyid – a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammed. He was born in a craftsman’s family. His father was a weaver and chaser (Naqshband). But it was his grandfather who played an important role in his life. He was well familiar with Sufis and paid much attention to the religious sciences. Bahouddin Naqshbandi was taught by famous counselors of that time. His first teacher was Muhammad Bobo Samosiy (1340-1345), the fifth Pir (counselor) of Bukhara. After his death Naqshbandi was taught by one of the famous leaders of the “Hojagon” Order Said Amir Kulola (appr 1288 -1371), the six Pir of Bukhara who familiarized him with the Abdulholik Gijduvani’s teachings (1103-1179). Gijduvani was the founder the “Hojagon” Order, one of the first Pirs of Bukhara; he propagated to obey the rules of the Shariah and prescriptions of Prophet Muhammad. He devoted his life to a true Allah’s path and founded 8 rules (rakhsha) in his Order.
Uzbekistan widely celebrated the 675 anniversary of Bahouddin Naqshbandi in 1993. His tomb with the complex adjacent to it became a place of pilgrimage in Uzbekistan. The Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan keeps 195 scientific papers and books about Bahouddin Naqshbandi. We all ge valuble information about there.


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