Toqi Sarrofon and Toqi Telpakfuroshon

 Hi everyone! We went to the most well-known places Toqi Sarrofon and Toqi Telpakfuroshon. Now, I give some information abou this places.

The medieval Bukhara was a great trading city , welcoming merchants from all parts of Central Asia , from Iran and India , from Russia and China . The trading status of Bukhara was reflected in the planning and development of the city . Large streets in the centre served as bazaars , each selling a particular type of product . Complex , multiply ventilated domed floors were built for their improvement in the squares and crossroads of the streets , known as " stream " - arches , vaults . Three such structures have been preserved : Toqi Zargaron ( trade dome of the jewellers ) , Toqi Sarrafon ( trade dome of the money changers ) and Toqi Telpak Furushon ( trade dome of the cap sellers).

The majestic trade dome Toqi Sarrafon is located at the intersection of several streets that connect the city centre of Bukhara with a medieval suburb ( Registan and Rabat ) . The structure was named after the Sarrafs - the merchants who transformed it . Traditionally , the exchange of currencies of different states was carried out by Indians . This means that the dome can be considered one of the oldest " currency exchanges " in the East . The main part of the structure - a huge dome stands on four large arches and on all sides this structure is surrounded by various buildings.

The arches are interesting because they are executed in a unique architectural style . Their design is called " charzamin " and this type of finishing is typical for Bukhara . Of course , the modern dome does not gather currency experts , but an unimaginable number of traditional eastern souvenirs are collected here . Travellers will find original jewellery ( necklaces , earrings , rings ) as well as all kinds of kitchen utensils and appliances and even expensive jewellery , in addition to light - coloured carpets and patterned skullcaps.
Toqi Telpak Furushon ( in some sources Taqi Telpakfurushon ) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara . It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II , one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty . It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre , situated at the crossroads of many caravan routes . The symbol for the achievement of this goal were the trade domes that gathered traders from different parts of the world under their roofs.
In addition to the main dome , small domes with niches were built above the shopping mall . Around the main dome there were usually storage rooms , caravanserais for visiting merchants and warehouses for products for sale . The exit from the western passage of the Trade Dome leads to Mekhtar Ambar Street , where you can visit the ancient caravanserai of Kuleta , where travellers rested in ancient times . As a part of the historical part of Bukhara , the dome was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The material from which the trade dome was built was ceramic tiles . This unusual structure is a kind of hexagon at the base . Such an urban design solution was very favourable in terms of compactness , as Telpak Furushon was built at a crossroads where five streets converged in one place . Its central part is an amazingly beautiful spherical dome with small openings cut through it . The dome is supported by six pylons , it has 12 - sided lighting , tourists are especially interested in viewing the dome from inside . The diameter of the main dome of Toqi Telpak Furushon is 14.5 metres .

Today, our trip end. All of us liked this journey☺☺


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